Though we're worlds apart, I hold you in my heart.

Paul & Ben

A forbidden love against all odds,
a silent marriage under the stars.

You were already a priest when we fell in love.
A forbidden love, we dared not speak of.
You were already a priest when we fell in love.
But you fear the crowds, you couldn’t rise above.

You fear the crowds, you couldn’t rise above.

You fear the crowds…

…you couldn’t rise above.

If I could save you from the church, I’ll save you now.
If I could free you from your fear, I’ll free you now.
The only reason you become a priest is all because the church – it’s the only place you can run, it’s the only place you can hide…
…because you are scared if people know that you are gay.

I may not get you back but I am not the one who doesn’t get to live this life in truest truth, it’s you.
I feel sorry that you have to hide yourself, you’re scared to face yourself, and oh, you know it’s true.
I don’t understand how you can live a life so full of lies your whole life, oh you must be pain.
I hope someday you’ll find a way out of the darkness you’re living in, I hope you’ll find the way.

The seas are rough, the mountains hard to climb.
It rains through the days and through the nights.
But someday shines the sun, oh bright the light.
And in the sunset, I’ll see you.

Love is a heaven and it hurts like hell.

I am a broken little poetry made of you, Ben.

The love we had,
the love we shared,
the love we made,
was no mistake.

And these songs are for you.
And these songs are for us.

I love you always, Ben @ Catholic priest, Reverend Father Max @ Maxmilliano Benhor Hontor.

I’ll wait for you.

Though we’re worlds apart, I hold you in my heart. – PAUL MAXBEN